Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Time!

Every world has them. Whether you're writing a heartwarming romance or a sci-fi thriller, your universe has holidays.

So how does your character feel about them? Does he go home? Avoid his family like the plague? Why? Which holidays does your character feel strongly about, and which are just days off? Are there shopping holidays like Black Friday that are important?

Writing prompt: Write a short scene with your character going home for a Thanksgiving-like holiday. How does it go? Is it farce or sweet? Does it tell you anything about the character?

1 comment:

ICQB said...

Hi Vieva,

I was just thinking about this today, but as it relates to our world and not a made-up fantasy one. Every religion has some really special time of the year/seasons that is meant to be joyous and happy.

I think that's where athiests get the short end. Atheists need a happy time too!

And the worlds we create certainly need them too.